The 24th General Congress of International Commission for Optics Call for Papers

发布时间:2017-02-14 阅读次数:27736


21(Mon) - 25 (Fri) August 2017
Keio Plaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

ICO-24 Call for Papers Submission Reminder
Abstract and Summary Submission Deadline: 3 March 2017

The ICO General Congress has been one of the most historic and authoritative conferences in the field of optics and photonics since the 1st congress was held in the Netherlands in 1948. Following ICO-13 in Sapporo in 1984, in 2017 Japan will once again host ICO-24: which is to be held at the Keio Plaza Hotel, Shinjuku, Tokyo, from August 21st to 25th. With attendees and delegates from all over the world, ICO-24 will include a wide range of topics on optics and photonics, providing a platform for mutual communication between researchers of different fields linked with the main common theme of “Light for Society”.

Yasuhiko Arakawa,
 University of Tokyo, Japan, General Chair
Satoshi Kawata, Osaka University, Japan, Program Chair

View the full list of Committee Members.

Plenary Speakers:
Hiroshi Amano,
 Nagoya University, Japan, “New era of LEDs”
Chris Dainty, Univ. College London, England, OSA 2011 President, “Fundamental limits of mobile phone cameras”
James G. Fujimoto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, “Optical coherence tomography and biomedical imaging”
Anne L’Huillier, Lund Univ., Sweden, “From extreme nonlinear optics to ultrafast atomic physics”
Takaaki Kajita, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, “30 years of neutrino researches in Kamioka”

View the list of invited speakers.

International Commission for Optics (ICO)
Science Council of Japan (SCJ)

In Cooperation with:
The Optical Society (OSA)